
My Jesus, my Shepherd

Regarding Psalm 23.....

Jesus, my Shepherd, companion to my soul, tends the issues of my heart, and leaves me in want of nothing else as He is everything I NEED.
He makes me to rest in a pleasant place at home in Him.
He draws me close to Him again and again.
He refreshes my soul with anything that it needs to keep me on the path of what is right just, pure and holy, all for His glory!
Even though that path may lead through dark and miry days I need not fear sorrow, or grief, or what men may do to me. I need not fear the enemy.
For You, my Beloved, are with me!
Because of You I can walk through this life knowing you sustain and correct me and guide me with your eye and comfort me with the Comforter and hold me safe in Your everlasting arms.
Even now in the presence of those who vex, distress, afflict me and try to shut me up,
You prepare a feast in which You allow us to feed on the love of Your Word even now, and it brings me hope for the time we shall meet face to face.
You consecrate me, set me apart unto Yourself, and pour Yourself into me bringing comfort, gladness and hope to overflowing and satisfy my soul!
Being assured of these good things, You let me know in my heart that I am well favored, Your Beloved, and that You will never leave me or forsake me!
You my Jesus will pursue me relentlessly and watch over me in the highs and lows, through all the seasons of my life, surrounded by Your goodness and mercy. And my heart will forever be at home in You, abiding safely, and as Your Bride will one day never more go in or out!

Happy Birthday my Jesus, my Shepherd, my Bridegroom!

© Monika Hardy


Fervent Love

Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently 1Peter 1:22

Finding a treasure in the thrift store is a lovely hunt. Wandering through isle upon isle, digging through pile after pile, and searching through rack after rack, just to find that one item laid aside by another that will bring much joy to another. It may take some cleaning, and mending to restore it to its once original condition, but it’s worth it, as it will be of great use and be admired by the new owner.

Digging through the rooms of our hearts we may find things that have piled up, put aside but not dealt with. Purifying our souls with the power of the Holy Spirit by obeying God’s word can create a change in the disposition of the soul. Sanctification, being set apart unto God for His work, requires an active and continuous search of the fruit that is growing or rotting within in the soul. Should there be a deep root of bitterness within the heart it will affect the outward disposition. As believers our love for our brothers and sisters in Jesus should be unfeigned or sincere and without hypocrisy. True love flowing from the heart of God through His willing vessel cannot be faked. Fake shiny fruit hanging on a dead vine may look good, but it is imitation none the less and obvious to others.

How much more lovely is it when we dig deep into the treasure that God has left for us! Digging deep into the treasure God keeps for us in His word give us water with which to wash away the unsightly sinful stores within the heart, and gives us gold and silver and precious jewels with which to adorn our soul. These jewels sparkle and shimmer and reflect the true love of Jesus, and then can we love one another intently with a purified heart. See to it today Beloved that we shine brightly, without a counterfeit love, for the lost and dying world needs FAITH, HOPE and LOVE, and the greatest of these is LOVE.

© Monika Hardy


New Movie...."The Will"

Click on the link above to watch the movie trailer of the the newest film

"The Will" which our church has made.

Many of the scenes are filmed in gorgeous Coeur d' Alene, Idaho

and I even got a background part in the Ballroom scence

filmed at the beautiful Davenport Hotel in Spokane, Washington.

The film is based on a true story involving

redemption, sacrifice, unselfishness, and true love!

Times are hard on many, and life can seem to overwhelm us,

but through it all, we can trust God!

A wonderful message in movie form to share

with one and all at Christmas or anytime.

Some behind the scenes photos....

© Monika Hardy


Rebuked by a 90 year old!

I guess yesterday was my Blogaversary...and I didn't even notice it.
Thanks to Teena in Toronto for noticing and sending on a comment.

Hope your Thanksgiving was a special weekend of prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty, wonderful Counselor, who brought the Seperatists and Puritans to this land so many years ago so they could worship the true and living God free from persecution. How ironic it is that times have changed is it not? What a wondeful time to seek the Lord while He may be found!

I was at the "Club" as mom calls it...the Assited Living home for Alzheimers patients and led them in worship of our Savior and read to them from the book of Hebrews. Relating the fact that those in the Hall of Faith of Hebrews walked in faith and trusted God with their lives and their example was written down for us through the ages as an example for us to follow!

I had such a wonderful time with them as we sang and they shared what they were thankful for.

After our time was over, a 90 year old man came up to me to thank me for the beautiful time of worship he and his wife were able to share. Then he quickly rebuked me for not coming to one of the other homes in the area for the past year while his wife resided there! He said he phoned many of the area churches and asked for a worship service, and throughly rebuked me for not using my talents for the Lord this past year, and then asked me where I had been.

I shared with him that I was at home caring for my Mother In Law with Alzeimers, and that she is now here at this home and I now have more time to come in and share. He quickly excused me for my absence this past year elsewhere and told me that this particular day was their 70th wedding anniversary! I shared with him what an awesome accomplishment that was and must take the power of God, and that our 27 years pale in comparison!

Have you been using the talents God has given you to share the good news of Jesus Christ lately?

© Monika Hardy


I will cast all my Cares upon You

© Monika Hardy

1894 Agicultural Almanac

1894 Agricultural Almanac

A Thanksgiving Hymn
"Have you cut the wheat in the blowing fields,
The barley, the oats and rye,
The golden corn and the pearly rice?
For the winter days are nigh."
"We have reaped them all from shore to shore,
And the grain is safe on the threshing floor."
"Have you gathered the berries from the vine
And the fruits from the orchard trees,
The dew and the scent from the roses and thyme
In the hive of the honey-bees?"
"The peach and the plum and the apple are ours,
And the honey-comb from the scented flowers."
"The wealth of the snowy cotton-field
And the gift of the sugar-cane,
The savory herb and nourishing root -
There has nothing been given in vain,
We have gathered the harvest from shore to shore,
And the measure is full and running o’er."
Then lift up the head with a song!
And lift up the hands with a gift!
To the ancient giver of all
The spirit of gratitude lift!
For the joy and promise of Spring,
For the hay and clover sweet,
The barley, the rye, and the oats,
The rice and the corn and the wheat,
The cotton and sugar and fruit,
The flowers and the fine honeycomb,
The country, so fair and so free,
The blessing and the glory of home,
"Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!"
Joyfully, gratefully call,
"To God, the preserver of men,
"The bountiful Father of all."

© Monika Hardy


The praying man

Not that I speak in respect of want:
for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am,
therewith to be content.
Philippians 4:11

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,
to the which also ye are called in one body;
and be ye thankful.
Colossians 3:15


Psalm 100

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
Serve the LORD with gladness:
come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the LORD he is God:
it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him,
and bless his name.
For the LORD is good;
his mercy is everlasting;
and his truth endureth to all generations.
Psalm 100
No matter the sadness or situation that may loom about,
a thankful heart can raise the voice of praise
and cloud the thoughts of doubt.
Mercy that is forever, and Truth that is eternal
which brings songs of thankfulness for our God
in the believers heart... one and all!

A November Recipe...

Fall Giveaway...

By the way....Blessed Femina has a lovely fall apron giveaway,

and you might want to go take a look and enter the give away!

© Monika Hardy


On being Thankful

As this month of November begins, a National Holiday of Thanksgiving will be upon us quickly. An attitude of gratitude is a matter of the heart, everyday of the year.

"The grateful Pilgrims then declared a three-day feast, starting on December 13, 1621, to thank God and to celebrate with their Indian friends. While this was not the first Thanksgiving in America (thanksgiving services were held in Virginia as early as 1607), it was America's first Thanksgiving Festival."

"Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor"

The Pilgrims made a very long journey in miserable conditions to flee religious persecution and find a land where they could worship God freely. Even though the trip was miserable and they didn't have much when they arrived on the chores of North America they were grateful.

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" --
William A Ward

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Colossians 3:15

© Monika Hardy


Allergic to soaps?

All right! I have to admit it! I am slightly, mildly, nay, obsessivley addicted to Biokleen products. No, I am not getting any income from this post, I am merely sharing the wonders of cleaning products that don't make me sneeze, or itch, or stop my breathing! No breathing is not over rated, it is a must. With germs of all kinds beginnning to multiply in the Fall and winter months, I used to wipe everything down with bleach and spray Lysol to kill all those invisible germs. However, about 5 years ago I developed allergies to chemicals.
What was I going to do with out BLEACH!
Well, Biokleen and enzymes to the rescue! Biokleen is a line of products that uses enzymes to do the "dirty"work and not only kill, but "eat" those germs. Caring for an Alzheimers patient in the home brings some unfavorable messes and odors into the home, as well as germs that cannot always be tracked as the patient forgets where things are supposed to go.
I've used the Biokleen washing detergent now for a few years, and love the fresh clean smell of odor free clothing, free from perfumes or any odors. Bac-Out is a spray that I can spray on the carpeting or any other fabric in the home without chemicals that cause allergic reations. It also works great on stains...any stain. Just spray it on, and let the enzymes "eat" through the stain. Bac-out also works great on tuogh odors in the laundry.
Biokleen also has a line of dishwashing soap that smells great, from unscented to lemon-thyme, to grapefruit! Best of all my hands do not itch after doing the dishes! If you have any difficulties using other soaps and detergents, give Biokleen a try, I know I'm happy I tried it!
© Monika Hardy


Today in History...

1738 -
English founder of Methodism John Wesley explained in a letter:
'By a "Christian," I mean one who so believes in Christ as that sin hath no more dominion over him.'

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

Eph 1:3-6

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1John 1:7

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14

© Monika Hardy

Frugal Friday...

I've been busy caring for mum, and canning pears, and playing with those cute little granddaughters, and preparing to share the gospel with little ones, but here is a link us frugal folk might enjoy, as well as an added recipe with NO sugar and yet CHOCOLATE!
To the Frugal Friday Blog....
© Monika Hardy


Mexican Chicken Tortilla Soup

I have been asked for the recipe a number of times, so I thought the easiest way to get it out to all is to type it up here and share it with you all.
There are many Chicken Tortilla soup recipe variations. This is a simple one that can be made for a crowd. Enjoy!

Mexican Chicken Tortilla Soup

Place the following ingredients in a large crock pot
stir and let heat.

2 cups Chicken broth
2 cup cooked chicken cut in small pieces
2 cans Black Beans
1 Can Refried Beans
2 cans corn
1 can roasted green chiles
1 jar salsa
1 half packet Mexican Taco seasoning

just before serving stir into crock pot the following ingredients
5 cups crshed corn chips
1 cup shredded chedder cheese
Serve in bowls topped with
(optional but tasty... more corn chips, sour cream and cheese)

© Monika Hardy


At the Cross

At the Cross
Isaac Watts, pub.1707
Alas! and did my Savior bleed
And did my Sov’reign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I?
At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away,
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day!

Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, Thine—
And bathed in its own blood—
While the firm mark of wrath divine,
His soul in anguish stood.

Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!

Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut his glories in,
When Christ,the mighty Maker died,
For man the creature’s sin.

Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.

But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give myself away,
’Tis all that I can do.

© Monika Hardy


She works willingly with her hands

...she worketh willing with her hands. Proverbs 31:13b
I posted some pics of my canning results the other day, and received an email with photos from a friend whose mom did the same thing. I asked if I could share these photos with the readers of my blog, and she thought mom would be tickled pink!

My friend mentioned that when her mom is finished a portion of the canning she will put them all out on the table and enjoy them for awhile. I just love to so the same.

I put them on the table and after I am sure they are sealed I take the time to take off the caps and wash the jar and screw on cap, (not the seal) with hot sudsy water to avoid any change of germs growing as they jars are stored. Then I sit bakc and enjoy the view. I am so glad these photos were shared with me so I could share them with you! Just look at all those pickles, jams, salsas and freezer goods from their garden!
I see the guard cat has the best seat in the house, but unfortunately has fallen asleep on duty :)

© Monika Hardy


Christians are like Pumpkins

This was sent to me via email from a friend. I have seen it in years past,
but still think it is worth sharing with you all you "Pumpkins"

Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin.

God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you.
He opens you up, and scoops out all the yucky stuff--
including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.
Then He carves you a new smiling face
and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.
This was passed on to me from another pumpkin.
Now, it is your turn to pass it to a pumpkin.

Happy Autumn and God Bless You~ ~ ~
© Monika Hardy


Cheese Experiment #1

My oh my!
I was cleaning out the fridge a while back and happened to notice that the cheese I put away for storage
had now aged a full six months!
I took a break from cleaning and made a pot of tea, and sliced into the cheese.
This particular cheese was made with raw milk, and a maple yoguhrt starter.
I was so thankful that I had made the tea ahead of time and had something to drink quickly after I tried the cheese!
I am one that does not particularly care for sharp cheese, or a very strong flavor, although there are exceptions like Limburger...I'm German, you gotta love Limburger.
The cheese I made tasted very sharp with a hint of blue cheese.
Sharp might have been alright, but I most certanily do not like blue cheese.
If I wanted mold I can grow some on the window sill not in my cheese!
For those of you who like blue cheese, you might have loved this cheese, but not I.
I have a few more wheels of cheese to try and will post my results when the wheels are fully aged for six months. At this point, I like the cheese best after allowing it to age for one week.
Aging for one week makes for a mild creamier cheese.
When all my experimenting is done, I will post all the pics and directions for cheese making on Frugality 101
Needless to say, I went back to cleaning the fridge.
© Monika Hardy


Harvest Time

To keep debt, dirt, and the devil out of my cottage has been my greatest wish ever since I set up housekeeping; and although the last of the three has sometimes got in by the door or the window, for the old serpent will wriggle through the smallest crack, yet thanks to a good wife, hard work, honesty, and scrubbing brushes, the two others have not crossed the threshold. CH Spurgeon

Autumn breezes were in full force the other day. A strech of the highway was closed due to a dust storm that brought visability down to less than 5 miles. I'd definitely say that the winds of change are upon us. This morning was a beautiful crisp Fall morning complete with a light frost on the pumpkins. Ok so the pumkins, and water melons and cantalope only grew to tennis ball size. we can live with that as it brought joy to Great grandma everytime she helped water them or sit out on the front porch while listening to her son play guitar and look at those pots on the porch with loads of tiny grape tomatoes and minature melons, it was worth it this year to have a container garden for just such moments as these.

It was nice to pick up some fruit at the local Farmers Markets and fruit stands to can some fresh peaches without high fructose corn syrup, and make some jam and preserves without a large amount of sugar. The fresh fruits and veggies have been great to juice as well, and makes it much easier to get your days allotment of them both.

The days will grow dark and dreary soon enough. The work put into putting up the bounty of harvest will help in the winter when gluten free, preservative free, high fructose corn syrup free items sky rocket in price when the snows hit! Due to allergies in many families such work is priceless as the American stores are filled with items that are so unhealthy and full of fillers.

Frugal shopping throughout the year will help you stock your pantry with much healthier products for the winter months ahead. Yes, we pray for our daily bread, and plan for the future. With Great grandma, it makes it difficult if not impossible to get out and go shopping when the weather gets so fierce, which makes planning ahead a necessity. It also makes for reserves when others are in need. What a pleasure it is to be able to share of what God has provided!

I suppose this may sound overkill or even perhaps foolish to the modern day American who can stop at the deli, hamburger joint, or coffee hut anytime they wish by starting up the car to pick up a meal or a snack or treat anytime they wish. Convienience costs dearly. However with a bit of planning one families budget can be stretched to help many others.

Fresh Peaches, Peach jam, Rasberry Peach jam, Plum Butter, are all great on oatmeal or yoguhrt in the winter, or Great Grandma loves any of them with her peanut butter.

The Jalepeno pepper jelly is great with lamb, or as an appetizer on a soda craker with cream cheese.

You can find links to plenty of Canning and Preserving recipes on the side bar of my other site...Frugality 101

I should get back to work now. Hope your Autumn is off to a great start, and that you are keeping your eyes on Jesus!


In His arms...

At the foot of the cross the child of God is oblivious to the darts of the enemy as the protecting arm of Jesus protects and holds us in His grip. And yet even in this humble position it is the tongue of the haughty and proud and hurtful heart that can still inflict injury.
Oh it is nothing that cannot be overcome, as His children overcome evil with good. It is however something that can stop a child of God from accomplishing what he ought, should he fall prey to the words that wound a soul deeply. Yet, should those tones fall upon your ear little one, continue on in the conversation you find yourself in with your Beloved Jesus, for the words from His heart will drown out all others if we let them.

© Monika Hardy


The pain of it all....

I've missed visiting with many of you and writing here lately as life has been busy with mom, but I am happy to report that tests results we were waiting on came back fine! She is doing fine and enjoying visiting with her "people" at the Alz Day Care. I went in on Monday to share the word of God and worship Jesus with them. I was the one who went away blessed. They all truly enjoyed hearing from God, and reading the Bible and singing and raising their hands in worship.

The next day I went in to have a tooth pulled, and ended up having major oral surgery and two teeth pulled. It was quite an ordeal that the Dentist does not want to go through again....I don't either I might add, but I have one more that needs to come out. You see, I had the German Measles when I was young about the time these molars were forming and they came in weak and it's a good thing to get all that mercury out of the mouth. However the last one is the oldest root canal I've had done and may be the most difficult. This week has been pretty painful, but it reminds me to pray for a few others I know that are going through much pain themselves.

God is good all the time and fills us with all that we need. I know friends were praying this week! God held me up. I am going to miss being at church tonight with the children though. At least I will be able to watch church online. Thank God for technology, and friends who care enough to pray for me.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

II Corinthians 1:13-14

© Monika Hardy




… that dreadful day in our Nation’s History, when people cried out in the terror of the destruction of the Twin Towers and the death of so many individuals.
…watching the news reports over and over with my son, after my husband called to ask if I had heard the news, watching in disbelief that someone would actually commit such a horrendous act.
…that day when many cried out asking, “Where was God when all this happened?”
…that churches were filled that next Sunday with people looking for answers
…that churches were back to their normal level of visitors a few weeks after the planes rammed the towers.
…sharing with many the love of Jesus Christ because fear gripped their hearts.

Thankfully I know my God and He knows me!
I know that God was, is and always will be on the throne and in control!
I know that He loves me, and has made a way for me to go to heaven to live with Him forever! Jesus is that way, the only way to the Father.

I offer Jesus to you now….
…You who are searching for answers to life’s questions

…You who cannot make sense of the ugliness around you.
…You who are lonely and cannot fathom living another day alone
…You who are riddled with guilt over the things in your past
…You who have come to realize the need for a Savior…your need for Jesus!

Remember…these are God’s words and we are to live by them…

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

1John 4:15
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Matthew 10:39
Just bow your head and talk to and listen to God while you pray and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and draw you close to His heart as your read the Bible and come to know the heigth and breadth and depth and width of the love God has for you!

Then when you suffer by doing the will of God while you wait for Jesus return, in the service of Jesus Christ…

Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. 1Peter 4:19
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15
The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. Lamentations 3:24

© Monika Hardy


Spiced Plum Butter

Simmering on the stove today...

Spiced Plum Butter

Wash and Pit
3 quarts Italitan Purple Plums
Place in Deep stock pot
add 3 cups water
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 cups sugar
1 cup Brown sugar
2 tablespoons Cinnamon
Simmer gently mashing as fruit softens

Remove from stove and pour butter through a strainer to remove peelings
Put Butter back on stove
Cook down to desired consistency, will thicken

OR add Pomonas Universal Pection according to directions on package.

Place in hot, sterile pint size canning jars
(jars can be kept warm in dishwasher, wash them just before making Jam)
Tighten lids and store upside down till Plumb Butter cools
Place right side up and tighten lids again
Let stand overnight
If seal does not seal tight store in fridge
If all have sealed will keep for up to one year in pantry

© Monika Hardy


Good Morning!

A good September fall like morning to you all! The cooler weather has finally arrived here and with it a glorious day! God is so good to bring relief. I am still praying for those in California suffering in the heat and flames. My sister and her family live in San Bernadino County and the heat and flames and smoke and ashes are all around them. Please help me and pray for them and all those suffering in this fire season. My niece who will be starting first grade this year is asking that we pray for rain, and to ask God to keep them safe. Lord please have mercy!

© Monika Hardy


Farmers Market

It was a cool morning as I sneaked out the front door and went to the local Farmer's Market. I was hoping to find some good deals by getting there early, and I did!

I found the most beautiful huge heads of red tipped butter lettuce, all organic. Along with the lettuce I found some gorgeous carrots, a gallon of local raw honey, a rosemary plant, a basil plant, and 1 quart of huckleberries! If you read my huckleberry picking excursion during last year's wedding anniversary, you will know why I bought them this year.

The morning was fresh and clean and cool and it was nice to visit with some friends who were at the market as well. I had to call my mom and let her know what I found and how nice it was to go to the "Markt" as we did in Germany. There was music, and many hand crafted items as well.

I'm off now to prepare for tonight's meal.

Rosemary chicken
Honey glazed carrots
Fresh garden salad
Huckleberry sauce over vanilla ice cream

© Monika Hardy


Homemakers Beatitudes

Amazingly enough this was written in a cookbook just 40 years ago referring to Christian Homemakers and their conduct in the home. What a difference 40 years can make. It's been said, Christianity is only one generation away from extinction. What an awesome responsiblity God has given the homemaker. We influence the next generation. Here we find a 40 year old cookbook encouraging the ways of God in the home. May we all find the strength and courage in Jesus to continue living as God instructs no matter the direction the world takes.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:3-5

Beatitudes for a Housewife

Author unknown- Taken from the Yankee Kitchen Cookbook, 1969

Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love; for her willing hand and happy heart translate duty into privilege, and her labor becomes a service to God and all mankind.

Blessed is she who opens the door to welcome both stranger and well-loved friend; for gracious hospitality is a test of brotherly love.

Blessed is she who mends stockings and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to humanity.

Blessed is she who children love, for the love of a child is more to be valued than fortune or fame.

Blessed is she who sings at her work; for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore.

Blessed is she who dusts away doubt and fear and sweeps out the cobwebs of confusion; for her faith will triumph over all adversity.

Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal; for her buoyancy of spirit is an aid to mental and physical digestion.

Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home; for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity.

Thanks to Elizabeth Plain and Simple for the Homemakers Beatitudes.
© Monika Hardy


Stay Home Vacation

Ah the joys of summer...
knee pain
tooth pain
tooth pulling pain
family in the hospital (please pray for salvation and healing)
Just doesn't sound like fun does it?

Ok there was another side...

A stay at home vacation!

Mom spent the weekend at "The Club" as she calls it, and had a great time! It was our first weekend without her since last September since she came to live with us.
Hubby and I did some of the things we have been wanting to do and get done, and have fun as well! We made it out to breakfast, and to the Farmers Market, where my wonderful Honey found some beautiful flowers and bought them for me, as a gift on our 27th wedding anniversary. What a delight to walk around the Farmers Market with a gorgeous boquet of flowers. I am hoping to get some time to try to draw and paint them before they wither. I'll be able to use my "new" painting easel that we found on our Thrift store excursion.

We also popped out the door early one morning, because we could!...and splurged on a Mc Donalds Iced Latte. The weather had cooled just for our weekend,and it was so nice to enjoy the front porch. It was hard not to get some work done with it all around us so we took care of some of the repairs that needed to be done.

We never made it to the movie theater that was on our list. We origianlly wanted to go to get out of the heat, but since it had cooled off there really wasn't any need for it, and we didn't really see anything decent playing anyway. We did have some more creative things in mind to accomplish, so I had time to paint...the easel to make it look better as well as a base coat for some wooden items I had found and would like to decorate.
I also made it to the Library to get a few books on embroidery stitches, as I am working on some items for Christmas already. Hubby was able to play guitar, and read, as well as a few other items on his list.

It was good to have the time to recooperate from the tooth pulling, and have some time together. What a great decision to stay home, instead of traveling and coming home exhausted and needing time off before going back to work! We were even able to watch our church services online. What a blessing to sit out on the front porch and listen to the Word of God on a cool "vacation day" morning, for the heart takes no vacation from Jesus!

Yesterday while my dear Hubby took care of mom's rental needs, I had a chance to go to "The Club" with her. I was invited to play my guitar, ok my Honey's guitar, and sing for the residents.
What a blessing it was to be there! Just to share the love of Jesus with them in song and in word, and in deed is such a pleasure. As always there are some who are not "comfortable" with, or "offended" by the word of God, but to be ready in season is wonderful, and to see the smiles and tears of others as they listened brings this heart joy.

© Monika Hardy


New Links

Greetings to all! I have been adding some new links for Homeschooling and Handiwork on the side bar and am so encouraged to create when I see these links. Miss Jen recently spoke about an artist that she enjoys and I took one look and fell in love with his work.

Woman with watering can

Summer is in full bloom and so are the roses! I just love roses and would love to be able to paint them, but the talent just isn't in me. Not for lack of trying, it's just not a gift God wants for me I suppose. So I will enjoy the art of
Daniel Ridgway Knight until there is enough time to master painting a rose myself....I'm sure the Rapture will come first :)

A few more from the Collection of Daniel Ridgway Knight

who was very adept at capturing the beauty of every tasks

This one reminds me of Ruth

Gathering the wheat

Women washing clothes by a stream



Handmaid of the Lord

And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord;
be it unto me according to thy word.
And the angel departed from her.
Luke 1:38

Our Lady

by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

Mother of God! no lady thou:
Common woman of common earth
Our Lady ladies call thee now,
But Christ was never of gentle birth;
A common man of the common earth.
For God’s ways are not as our ways:
The noblest lady in the land
Would have given up half her days,
To bear the child that was God of the land.
Never a lady did He choose,
Only a maid of low degree,
So humble she might not refuse
The carpenter of Galilee:
A daughter of the people, she.
Out she sang the song of her heart.
Never a lady so had sung.
She knew no letters, had no art;
To all mankind, in woman’s tongue,
Hath Israelitish Mary sung.
And still for men to come she sings,
Nor shall her singing pass away.
‘He hath filled the hungry with good things’
~O listen, lords and ladies gay!
~‘And the rich He hath sent empty away.’

© Monika Hardy

Vacation BIble School

My week of vacaction is over and it was well spent! My sister in law flew up to be with and care for her mom while I went to play with about 300 children at Vacation Bible School. I had so much fun teaching the 8 year olds, they are right at that age where they can read their Bibles and still young enough to want to learn from it eagerly! Many hearts where given to the Lord Jesus that week! Praise God for answered prayer for fruit, much fruit and even more fruit. Not only were there decision for salvation, but the children came to know their Savior as well as grow in His word. We used a rotating schedule and encouraged the Bible lesson in each section of Puppets, Bible time, crafts, snacks and games. Many of the parents were blessed as well.
I was blessed myself being with all the little ones, and by my sister in law who insisted on caring for mom and the house and sending me to my room to rest and study! To God be all the glory~

© Monika Hardy


Gone Home

In loving memory of Earnest Seablom

See you one day soon

Praying for those left behind

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

Psalm 116:15

© Monika Hardy


A great work

Like Nehemiah said when he and the others were buidling a wall

Don't bother me, I'm doing a great work for the Lord! :)

You call building a wall a great work? If it helps protect others then yes it can be considered a great work.When your work is for the Lord, and it helps others in the Lord, do not allow yourself or allow others to disctract you from the work at hand.

“The proof that Christ came into the world should be that His followers are holy!
Let their character be blameless and harmless, their conduct so
devoted and so full of self-sacrifice that it shall be a constant memorial
of that Redeemer whose name they profess.”—CHS

© Monika Hardy


What is on your tongue?

The following is an exceprt from a sermon that CH Spurgeon taught on Christian Conversation, based on....

"They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."—Psalm 145:11.

May it be true of our own lives as well.

....It is, however, much to be regretted
that true children of the Lord often talk too little of him....
Souls are often converted through godly conversation. Simple words frequently do more good than long sermons. Disjointed, unconnected sentences are often of more use than the most finely polished periods or rounded sentences. If you would be useful, let the praises of Christ be ever on your tongue; let him live on your lips. Speak of him always; when thou walkest by the way, when thou sittest in thy house, when thou risest up, and even when thou liest down, it may be that thou hast someone to whom it is possible that thou mayest yet whisper the gospel of the grace of God. Many a sister has been brought to know the Saviour by a sister's pleadings that were only heard in the silence of the night. God give you, beloved, to fulfil our text! "They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."

They shall do it, mark you; God will make you do it if you are his people. Go and do it willingly. Begin, from this time forth, and keep on doing it for ever. Say, concerning other conversation, "Begone far hence! avaunt! Thus shall be my constant and only theme." Be like the harp of old Anacreon, which would never sound any other note but that of love. The harpist wished to sing of Cadmus, and of mighty men of wisdom, but his harp would resound of love alone. Be, then, like Anacreon's harp,—sing of Christ alone! Christ alone! Christ alone! Jesus, Jesus only! Make him the theme of your conversation, for "they shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power." God give you grace so to do, for Christ's sake! Amen.

© Monika Hardy


Award Winning Peaches and Cream Pie Recipe from Allrecipes.com

I made it to the Fourth of July Church Picinic just in time to find all the "award winning pies" to be all gone! So, I chose what looked to be the best of what was left, and began to rave about apeach pie! I could not believe that it did not win, and was beginning to ask around to see if anyone knew who made it. I found out a friend of mine made it and I asked her to send me the recipe. Turns out she found it on All Recipies and it was an award winning pie recipe! The original maker of the pie has won 5 blue ribbons with this recipe! Thanks for sharing Laura!

Award Winning Peaches and Cream Pie Recipe from All Recipes.com
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 (3 ounce) package non-instant vanilla pudding mix
3 tablespoons butter, softened
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1 (29 ounce) can sliced peaches, drained and syrup reserved
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup white sugar

1 tablespoon white sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease sides and bottom of a 10 inch deep-dish pie pan.
In a medium mixing bowl, mix together flour, salt, baking powder and pudding mix. Mix in butter, egg and milk. Beat for 2 minutes. Pour mixture into pie pan. Arrange the peach slices on top of the pudding mixture.
In a small mixing bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Add 1/2 cup sugar and 3 tablespoons reserved peach syrup. Beat for 2 minutes. Spoon mixture over peaches to within 1 inch of pan edge. Mix together 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and sprinkle over top.
Bake in preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes, until golden brown. Chill before serving.

If you go to the All recipes site there are photos of many who have made the pie and decorated it a bit differently.


Domestically Inclined Top Site Pick of the Week!

I received a comment from Mary Beth on her Today's Journey Blog. It was an announcement that she had chosed my site as this week's

Domestically Inclined is a place that I share what God lays on my heart to share with all of you. I don't know that I have ever stopped to think about describing what this site is about...except the "About me" section and even then wanted to point you to Jesus rather than myself. I am very blessed that Jesus shines through in what is written here as it is done for God's glory and His honor and our growth in Him.

It was her words that humbled me as she wrote about Domestically Inclined....

This site is a Christian Family Oriented site, that is run by a beautifully devout woman who shows her life for Christ in her words, posts, and kindness to all who visit.

Some of the articles she has written on her blog are Keepers at Home ~

This is a blog worth visiting and reading.

You will be blessed when you leave.
Hugs & God Bless

Thanks so much Mary Beth, I'm so glad these articles have blessed you!

© Monika Hardy

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