
Keeping the Home clean

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Psa 24:3-5

To keep the house neat and tidy, is an endless job, but one with wonderful eternal benefits since you are available at home to the children, and your husband. Homemaking has a long and glorius career dating back to well...let me see...a good example would be Saria and Abram. Saria would follow Abram from place to place setting up home in a tent everytime they moved. How else was she to care for her husband, for so many years before her first child arrived in her 90's.

Can you imagine!

Ok, so most of us don't have dirt floors in a tent to contend with, but we each encounter messes. To be prepared for "come what may" during the day, it is good to be prepared. First of all we prepare our hearts for continued communion with our King, and then for the day ahead.

I love to wear an apron, and still need to make new ones, but I have found a wonderful site with modest apparael that has some beautiful aprons. I like the ones with pockets so I can gather up small things as I go and put them in theri proper place. I also like to keep a notepad and pencil in pocket for ideas and lists when things come to me during the day. The other pocket, in today's society is for my new cell phone with ear piece. I didn't think I would like it, but the ear piece allows me to speak with my dear husband when he calls, and minister to friends or be ministered to, when they call. All the while, my hands are free to keep busy.

When duty outside the house calls, the apron is returned to it's proper place and it has done it's job to keep my appearance clean and tidy to be presentable out in public.


Mrs. V. said...

I couldn't be without my aprons. Especially when cooking they are perfect for keeping clothing from getting sauce or oil spatters on them.

Mrs. V. said...

I know I commented earlier, but I just had to say that I love your new template! Very pretty.

Domestically Inclined said...

Thanks so much. I am still playing with it a bit to see what I can come up with so let me know what you think if you stop by again.

Lydia said...

I, too, have been fascinated, over the years, with the thought of Sarah moving with Abraham and setting up housekeeping over and over again. I do not think she had the problem of accumulating a lot of things. Also, she would move before the house needed what we call deep cleaning. She could shake out her rugs, fold them up and travel to the next destination, where she would get everything out again. It must have been really something to have a different view from the tent door every few months!

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