
All Things Tea

I've been extrememly busy these past few months but have been wanting to share "Gracious Hospitality Blog-A-Thon"with you.
I learned of it from a "Kindred spirit" over at "The Quiet Pleasures of Home". Both of these sites as well as many others are sharing All things Tea to beautify the home and share their stories of frineds and family.

This weeks Theme is Decor-a-Tea

The title of the print is "Suspense".
I picked up this print in a second hand shop and have it hanging in my kitchen. It reminds me to be thankful for the things God provides for me each and everday, and to live simply and to be content with such things as He has provided. Great Grandma my MIL) has been staying with us and has found great pleasure in the print as well. She has Alzheimers so each morning the print was a pleasant surprise to her. She especially liked the cat and dog waiting for the little girl to finish praying so that they might receive a bit of toast.

The print "Suspense" inspired me to make some homemade bread and hard boiled eggs and enjoy a breakfast with a friend. The tea pot was a gift from a family member many years ago. I spotted it in a local tea shop at the time and added it to my Christmas wish list. I posted the recipe for the bread at my other website "Ladybug's Garden"

This was the beginning of my tea cup collection a few years ago after our sons moved out of the house. I sure enjoyed raising boys, but with three men in the house and only I who appreciated "fu" as they called it, it was better not to display such things. The boys are grown now and we joke now about the times when "we just couldn't have nice things." The Cukoo clock is from a trip to Europe a few years back. I picked it up at a castle in Switzerland along the Rhine River at the Falls.A most beautiful place! As for the prints, I made them after I finished a Bible College class on I Corintihans to remind me...Faith will come to an end. Hope will be fullfilled. Love will endure forever!


Vee said...

I'm so glad that you are enjoying your time with teacups and feminine things. Boys are hard on the decor!

How wonderful that your grandmother (great?) is spending time with you. Somehow I think that you make her days very pleasant indeed.

I've always enjoyed the humor and beauty of the print that you have in your kitchen. It hung in my aunt's home near her dining room table.

Thanks for participating and I hope that you'll participate this week as well!

Mrs. V. said...

This blog-a-thon is wonderful, isn't it? Such a good way to find other beautiful blogs.

I have that same exact print! There seem to be several different ones with the same little girl and animals in them and I have a few of them.

Your shelf with teacups is lovely. I love a shelf hanging on the wall for teacups.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I enjoyed seeing all your tea things! I really like the framed print "Suspense."


La Tea Dah said...

I love your tea print! The little girl receiving her 'tea breakfast' in bed with her beloved pets is precious! I also enjoyed your picture of your own version of this print. Thanks so much for sharing with us!


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