
Thankful Sunday

In the land of the Northwest God has given us a beautiful snowy day! It is beautiful to watch the snow flakes fall, and I love to get out into it and play and drive and shovel and just enjoy it! It reminds me of the blood that my Jesus shed for me to wash me clean and make me white as snow. At this time of year when we are all reminded to be thankful, it reminds me to be thankful at all times....not just on a day that the world has turned into a "turkey day".

Things to be thankful for....

Salvation from my sins through faith in Jesus!

Those in the military willing to fight for our freedoms!

Children and Grandchildren

A computer that works again so I can visit with you all again!

and so much more....like chili on the stove in a warm home and someone to share it with.

Whether your dinner is small fare or not, whether there be someone to share it with you or not...

always remember to invite the most important guest to spend time with you...Jesus!

Happy Sunday evening to you!

© Monika Hardy

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