love that is self-seeking. But the unquenchable worshipper is different.
From a heart so amazed by God and His wonders-… burns a love that will not be extinguished.
It survives any situation and lives through any circumstance.
It will not allow itself to be quenched,
for that would heap insult on the love it lives in response to.
These worshippers gather beneath the shadow of the Cross,
where an undying devotion took the Son of God to His death.
Alive now in the power of His resurrection,
they respond to such an outpouring
with an unquenchable offering of their own." Matt Redman
In whom ye also trusted,(In Jesus) after that ye heard the word of truth,
the gospel of yoursalvation: in whom also after that ye believed,
ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
Which is the earnest of our inheritance until
the redemption of the purchased possession,
unto the praise of his glory
We can rest assured that if we belong to our Beloved we will always be
safe in His hands and on His heart.
His love for us will never be quenched.
We are His purchased, highly favored possession!
Expensive children indeed!
The Love He has for us should create a love that burns with in us
A love so hot that it melts our hearts
and keeps them soft.
A love so jealous of anything that would keep us apart
that we would walk worthy of the love He lavishes upon us!
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