
Something new

I found a new Pearl in the Ocean of Blogging

She has posted some answers for those that are 
asking questions concerning life on a lovely new site.

© Monika Hardy


Thanks to the many members of our military both past and present, we were able to go to church and freely worship this past weekend and I hope and pray it stays the same for the future of our children and grandchildren. My heartfelt thanks to all the families who are still forging forward in the details of everyday life with a loved one not at their side, but across the world standing guard and fighting for our freedom and the freedom of others!
Almighty God is still on the throne, and He is in control! Stand firm those of you who sacrifice so much for this Lands freedom, and may God Bless you and your families and keep us all safe while we are apart.

© Monika Hardy


End of world on the 21st? NO

I posted this on my face book page but wanted to share it with you all. Mr. Camping sounds sincere, but he is sincerely wrong.

According to the highest authority... no man knows the day or the hour of the end of the world except God! and that comes after the Rapture, and seven years of Tribulation a lot worse than we see now, and after the Millennium (1,000 years of God ruling on earth with the Bride at His side) THEN ....a "new heaven and a new earth" Read Revelation 19, 20, 21 and 22...oh, just read the whole Bible :)

I am thankful that God took the time to inspire men to write down His love letters to us and that He thought it important enough for us to know, a long time ago I might add, that NO ONE knows the day or the hour of Jesus return to the Earth, except the Father Himself, for His Bride! That way His Bride, the true believers will be expecting Him at any moment!

Are you clothed in the righteousness of Christ, or or still wallowing in the filthy rags of self works? A Bride makes herself ready to meet her Bridegroom. Be prepared for Jesus is coming soon...He promised!

© Monika Hardy


Spring! I think

Spring has sprung! I think. I hope I didn't miss Spring last week on the one day the temp rose above 60 degrees. At least I was able to pant some seeds and a few plants that were getting leggy just sitting indoors waiting for some sun.

There is the hope of renewed warmth at the end of the week. I missed the local Farmers Market this past weekend, as I was enjoying my grandchildren! Good reason to miss the Market. I will be looking for some chocolate mint the next time I make it to the Market. The chocolate mint makes the most wonderful tea.

After the weekend of rain I see the little sprouts popping up already
Loose leaf lettuce
Tom Thumb Lettuce

Even the peas I planted a month ago finally sprouted now that the temps have gone up a bit.

But as every good or bad gardener knows...the weeds grow the fastest!
I don't want to use any chemicals so there will be much pulling of weeds in my future.
Thankfully I've found that on a warm afternoon, a bottle of vinegar can kill the toughest of weeds!
Just don't use it on the lawn, or it will soon be a two toned lawn...you don't want to know :)

So on the agenda...
In the Laundry room...loads to wash and hang in the warm breeze today
In the Kitchen...A fridge to clean and pots to polish, and plants to keep alive until we reach some warmer temps.
What I am reading...A book my son and Daughter in law gave me for Mother's Day...Verses of Virtue by Beall Phillips. I just love poetry and especially poetry that focuses your mind on what is pure and good and lovely and of all things of virtue!
In my heart...Thankful for answered prayer, restoration, healing, and a future of Hope!
In the craft room....a wonderful way to help others right now on a link from my Daughter in law, to help those in Alabama and other states that have been hit hard by tornadoes...
Sewing Love
During the week...Time with some friends and hospitality

May your week be filled with sunshine and the Son of God!

© Monika Hardy

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