
Domestic Transformation

If you have stopped by to visit this Domestic corner of the cyber world, have you noticed the lack of recipies and homemaking tips? Not that they won't ever be here, for that is part of a homemakers life, but the basis of a Domestically Inclined heart has to be a strong foundation on Jesus Christ. Because of that, you will never find husband manipulating tips included, but you will find encouragement to be sober or disciplined in mind or as Barnes puts it...

to have your desires and passions well regulated, or under proper control.

and Gill expresses it this way ...

To be chaste, modest, and temperate; or to be wise and prudent in your conduct to your husbands, and in the management of family affairs.

Phew! Does that fly in the face of life today! Yes, but one by one, willing hearts can be changed and brought under the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in ways that shine with the holiness of God, instead of stinking to high heaven with the stench of self.

How does one begin to build on the strong foundation of Jesus Christ? By gettting to know and understand Him better by reading God's word, and communing with Him.

Why should I do all this? Well, you don't have to but, one who truly loves wants to grow closer to the one they love.

Here is a good Bible Reading plan...

Today is the 10th of the month. So I would read

Psalm 10, and then add 30 till the book is covered ie.,

Psalms 10, 40, 70, 120.

Also, 1 chapter in Proverbs for the day so today it was Proverbs chapter 10.

I generally read these early in the morning.

Then later in the day I read a few chapters in a New Testament Book and

Then again later in the day a few chapters in an Old Testament Book.

I meditate on what God speaks to my heart through His word throughout the day, and then in the evening I read in the Bible where God leads me to read. Keeping a journal handy during these Bible reading times to jot down thoughts and prayers is also very helpful.

It may sound time consuming if you haven't ever done this before, but it really doesn't take much more than about half an hour to read, plus prayer time. Mind you this is only the Bible Reading.

Bible Study, and intercessory prayer is another matter.

Let the domestically inclined transformation begin.

© Monika Hardy


Mrs. V. said...

I just found your blog. It is very lovely. Would you mind explaining the reading plan a bit more? I understood it all except what you were doing with the Psalms.

I also loved the quotes, especially the one from Gill.

Domestically Inclined said...

Hello Mrs. V.
So nice of you to stop by. The reading plan through Psalms..
If we begin with Psalm 1 on the first day of the month then add 30 we come to Psalm 31, then add 30 we come to 61, add 30 91, add 30 121 we have covered all the Psalms for the day.
Day 2, Psalm 2,32,62,92,122
The only day that will take longer is when we hit Psalm 119, but it is worth it!
I like the quotes from writers in teh past as well. They seem to have been much deeper in the their study of God's word than we are today. A good example don't you think?

Mrs. V. said...

Ok, now I understand. And yes I do think they were much deeper in the Word. But then if you think about it, they lived the majority of their lives in a much more diligent manner than people do now. A very good example in deed.

Patty said...

what a good Bible reading plan, thanks for sharing it with us

Domestically Inclined said...

Thanks, God's word is always good isn't it? Thanks for stopping by Patty! It was good to visit your corner of the cyber woods as well.

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