
Long May She Wave!

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.

We recently visited Colonial Park in Savannah Georgia.
In this cemetery lie men who fought for our freedom
in the American Revolution.
It also was the resting place for the bones of Nathaneal Greene for a time,
the second in command , first General to
George Washington.
We also visited the National Cemetery in
Beaufort South Carolina.
As I walked through the National Cemetary
I read the last lines of an inscription..
I've gone home.
It brought me to tears thinking that here I am,
on the complete other side of the country
from where my dad is buried,
in Arlington National Cemetery, Riverside CA.
I was reading the tombstone of someone elses family
and someone might be reading my dad's tombstone.
Here I am in complete freedom to travel and wander through history
because others have fought for our freedom.

At this time many in our military are fighting in foreign lands.
As we take time to remember them and others that have sacrificed
for our safety and freedom on this Memorial Day,
thank God for His abundant mercy and grace,
and I for one will ask Him to watch over our military and
their families as they sacrifice so much for us all.
Thank you! God Bless you!

I also remember my dad who is now with Jesus,
who fought for many years in the military and
retired as a Command Sergeant Major.
And to my brother who is also now retired from
the Army after 27 years.
And to my Nephew who has just enlisted!

Thank you all, and God bless you!

If you get a chance take a moment to pass on a Cup of Joe
to a soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan
and let them know that they are being thought of
and appreciated.

Green Beans Coffee
...gives us the opportunity to give a soldier a few moments of home,
and a personal email to express your sentiments of gratitude.
Green Beans Coffee, honor first...coffee second.

I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers,
Philemon 1:4
© Monika Hardy

1 comment:

Conny said...

Very memorable post - thank you!

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