
Homemade Yogurt

Good Friday morning to you! I am so happy to see the sunshine after a few days of constant rain. I have been mulling around the idea of making yogurt and today I think I can, I think I can. I've been investigating many different methods, and have come to realize it's pretty simple. I guess I just have this need to understand the process completely as I don't want to waste all the ingredients.

A few Tips:
Store bought Yogurt can be used as a starter
or freeze dried culture available at the local health food store

Sterilize your equipment before you begin

You can use raw, or pasteurized milk, however Ultra Pasteurized will not work as it has been heated to the extreme and will not coagulate to make yogurt

If consistency is important make plain yogurt and add fruit or sweeteners later

There are different methods of keeping the yogurt warm while it is fermenting even without special yogurt making equipment:
Crock Pot, Heating Pad, In the oven, or even on the counter top.
Here are a few methods I've found online:

A Year of Slow cooking: You can make Yogurt in your CrockPot

Nourishing Days: Make Yogurt in your Crock Pot

Make Yogurt at Home: Video Simple Method

There are different methods and recipes involved in each of these sites, so pick one that works for you and start making your own fresh yogurt! The beast part about making your own is being able to control what goes into your yogurt. I'm off to make my own, let me know how yours turned out.

© Monika Hardy

1 comment:

Blessed Homemaking said...

I started making my own yogurt a couple of months ago! I make it in the crock pot, with plain, store bought yogurt as a starter (I use the Mountain High brand). It's really so easy & not very time consuming!

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