
What is on your tongue?

The following is an exceprt from a sermon that CH Spurgeon taught on Christian Conversation, based on....

"They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."—Psalm 145:11.

May it be true of our own lives as well.

....It is, however, much to be regretted
that true children of the Lord often talk too little of him....
Souls are often converted through godly conversation. Simple words frequently do more good than long sermons. Disjointed, unconnected sentences are often of more use than the most finely polished periods or rounded sentences. If you would be useful, let the praises of Christ be ever on your tongue; let him live on your lips. Speak of him always; when thou walkest by the way, when thou sittest in thy house, when thou risest up, and even when thou liest down, it may be that thou hast someone to whom it is possible that thou mayest yet whisper the gospel of the grace of God. Many a sister has been brought to know the Saviour by a sister's pleadings that were only heard in the silence of the night. God give you, beloved, to fulfil our text! "They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."

They shall do it, mark you; God will make you do it if you are his people. Go and do it willingly. Begin, from this time forth, and keep on doing it for ever. Say, concerning other conversation, "Begone far hence! avaunt! Thus shall be my constant and only theme." Be like the harp of old Anacreon, which would never sound any other note but that of love. The harpist wished to sing of Cadmus, and of mighty men of wisdom, but his harp would resound of love alone. Be, then, like Anacreon's harp,—sing of Christ alone! Christ alone! Christ alone! Jesus, Jesus only! Make him the theme of your conversation, for "they shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power." God give you grace so to do, for Christ's sake! Amen.

© Monika Hardy


Laurie and Bill said...

I absolutely love Charles Spurgeon! He was a great preacher!

Love Abounds At Home said...

Such beautiful words!

HOPE said...

Amen...with all the news that saddens the heart....Let the Christians speak of HIS glories and the greatness of his FREE gift of salvation!!!


Andrea said...

Thank you, Monika, for sharing these beautiful words of power and strength! I can imagine Charles Spurgeon preaching "Christ alone!" with his resounding voice and whole heart.

I so appreciate your kind words left on my blog. How wonderful to come home from Wednesday church and find such encouragement! Thank you, dear friend.

God is so good! I sense your love and heart for Him, and I will enjoy our fellowship.

Blessings and Love in Christ,


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