
Alistair Begg Pleads The Fifth

I was visiting a blog today and was encouraged by what I read, as I don't see or hear much about this anymore, in the world or in the church. I don't know if it is because I was raised by European parents, or the words of God have stuck in my mind and heart or both as God works all things out for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

Our conviction as parents was for me to remain in the home to care for the children as they grew, and homeschool them, and now that they are grown and on their own life came to a cross roads, with the home empty, shall I go out into the work force? God impressed on my heart to remain home and now just a few years later, it provides the time and home to care for my aging mother in love with Alzheimers.

In my life time I have seen children and the elderly locked up in instituions seperated from each other, most of the time so that a woman can "find the real her" out in the work force. Unfortunarely it does not give the older generation time with the younger generation to pass on wisdom, morals, God's word, a heart for giving and loving, stories, a chance to learn so much and much more that the elderly have to offer.

May I present to you another way....God's way....stay home and take care of your family. I understand there are some single mom's who would love to stay home, but must work because the dad is no longer around to provide for the family he left. I understand there are military families whose dad or mom is on assignment and the parent at home has to work to help provide for the family..may God have mercy on all of you as you look to Him to provide for all your needs. Or perhaps you have a empty nest and home is well taken care of and you have time to work to earn a bit to help a missionary family, God bless your efforts Proverbs 31 woman.

But for the mom who chooses to leave the children locked up in day cares, or public school for that matter so she can have a real life to fulfill selfish motives please reconsider. The enemy of our soul would love to get the mother out of the home and destroy the family. Even being at home and standing guard in prayer as moms and wives the enemy can still manage to wreck havoc in our lives, and so much the more when we give up our post at home.

Alistair Begg on Pleading the Fifth...Commandment that is.

There’s something sadly wrong when other cultures without Bibles are better at dealing with the long-term care of their elderly than we, with our Bibles, and our apparent commitment to Jesus Christ.
What do we do? We push people up the ladder of success fast, so that we can topple them off as quickly as we can. We don’t respect old age; we don’t respect wisdom. We just don’t. We don’t ask for their wisdom or guidance; we blow them off. We are committed to youth. We’re not committed to youth because youth is tremendously efficient or because of hard work—we’re committed to youth on the basis of image. … Youth is worshipped. Old age is taboo, dreaded, or despised. We live in a society that isolates and impoverishes those who have given their lives so that we might have an existence. This is really wrong!

Visit Jess over at Making it Home to read the entire message.


Sharon said...

I agree totally. Thanks for bringing up this much needed point.

Cherie said...

We belong to Alistair's church, Parkside, here in Ohio. How nice to see him quoted here. He is a precious man of God and we dearly love him.
Thanks for this reminder, as we are approaching old age!

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