Regarding Psalm 23.....
Jesus, my Shepherd, companion to my soul, tends the issues of my heart, and leaves me in want of nothing else as He is everything I NEED.
He makes me to rest in a pleasant place at home in Him.
He draws me close to Him again and again.
He refreshes my soul with anything that it needs to keep me on the path of what is right just, pure and holy, all for His glory!
Even though that path may lead through dark and miry days I need not fear sorrow, or grief, or what men may do to me. I need not fear the enemy.
For You, my Beloved, are with me!
Because of You I can walk through this life knowing you sustain and correct me and guide me with your eye and comfort me with the Comforter and hold me safe in Your everlasting arms.
Even now in the presence of those who vex, distress, afflict me and try to shut me up,
You prepare a feast in which You allow us to feed on the love of Your Word even now, and it brings me hope for the time we shall meet face to face.
You consecrate me, set me apart unto Yourself, and pour Yourself into me bringing comfort, gladness and hope to overflowing and satisfy my soul!
Being assured of these good things, You let me know in my heart that I am well favored, Your Beloved, and that You will never leave me or forsake me!
You my Jesus will pursue me relentlessly and watch over me in the highs and lows, through all the seasons of my life, surrounded by Your goodness and mercy. And my heart will forever be at home in You, abiding safely, and as Your Bride will one day never more go in or out!
Happy Birthday my Jesus, my Shepherd, my Bridegroom!
© Monika Hardy